I am ashamed to call myself a Journalist

Originally posted on Not Mid Morning Matters:
On Saturday 31st October, at 1.30am, my 22-year-old eldest daughter Polly was killed when she lost control of the car she was driving and hit a tree. She was alone in her VW Beetle, no one else was hurt and, I am told, it was instant. I can…

Intelligence Sharing Between The US and The UK

Amnesty International, Bytes For All, Liberty and Privacy International have been making waves recently. In documented reports, it is said that these groups have challenged the legality of UK surveillance and sharing that with the US, and all this has come about after American Edward Snowden released classified documents to the press. I happen to […]

With Automation, Are Humans Redundant?

Inevitably, somebody has to ask the question: With people automating everything, are we making ourselves redundant? How long before humans become surplus to requirements? Are we there already? I know that some of you still believe that we can not possibly make ourselves obsolete, but how true is that really? Jobs growth not immune to […]

Will WW3 Destroy Us All or Level The Playing Field?

How does war affect the economy? We have all heard stories of how people’s’ wealth (property, cash, businesses’) were taken away from them during times of conflict, but how did that affect the economy for the civilians? If we were better off financially because of war, is having another one going to change the poverty […]

Why You Should Surrender Your Weapons

Now, don’t go jumping on that keyboard. Hear me out. It’s not what you think. Do you remember the article I wrote about false flags and everything happening in pairs? Sure you do: https://notapoliticalbeast.wordpress.com/2014/10/05/eugenics-or-just-incompetant/ Well last night two more things happened: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/27/technology/net-neutrality-fcc-vote-internet-utility.html?_r=0 and: http://www.infowars.com/5-facts-that-prove-obama-hates-the-second-amendment/ Let’s have a quick look at this net ‘neutrality’. It surprises […]

Dreams Can Come True

Last night I had a dream. There is nothing unusual there. I dream often, however this particular dream was strange enough to stay with me when I awoke this morning. There are people who say that dreams can be prophetic. There are religious folk who believe that prior to the Tribulation and The ‘End Times’, […]

Who Said Vengeance Will Be Mine?

Hopefully today’s article will show you that nobody is fighting for their faith. Nobody truly believes the words they claim to follow religiously. Many years ago, I entered a healthy debate with a friend about The Bible. Now, I know some of you are going to get very upset, but I urge you to remember […]

And Your Point is?

Merry Christmas! Just kidding. Actually it’s beginning to look a lot like fuck this. The question I really want you to ask after reading this post is: So what? Seriously, ask the question. It doesn’t matter what plans you have made, because you have your caring sharing Governments here to tell you what is actually […]

Is Alternative Media becoming Mainstream Sympathizers?

It’s not often I write a post like this, but it surprises me that alternative media, whilst encouraging people to ‘open their eyes’ or ‘expose the truth’ seem to becoming more mainstream by the day. Let me show you just one recent example: http://www.infowars.com/pregnant-woman-loses-eye-after-police-fire-non-lethal-round-during-ferguson-protest/ Pregnant Woman Loses Eye After St. Louis Cops Shoot Her With […]

Eugenics Or Just Incompetant?

Do we give our Governments too much credit? Is it possible that they just simply don’t know how to run a country? Which situation is the Red (False) Flag? So there are currently two situations to keep us entertained and I can’t help but think: Have you noticed it’s always two things? The Boston bombings […]

Are The Players Being Played?

Picture the scene: Vladimir Putin orders his troops to the Russian border with nuclear weapons and warns the United States of America to stay out of Russia. 4 days ago an Ex-CIA agent called for the assassination of Putin: Today 7 warships moved into Cardiff Bay in Wales, UK. Tomorrow President Obama will arrive in […]

Remember Darren Wilson?

It saddens me that the people supporting ‪#‎DarrenWilson‬ seem to be saying, it’s okay to kill an unarmed person IF they have a poor track record. And not ONE seems to acknowledge the problem escalated when the military police arrived pointing semi automatic weapons at the peaceful protest and not the instant the cop and […]

So Why Aren’t We Dead Yet?

Hello, cheery subject for Hallmark day, isn’t it? It seems I am not the only person asking this question. Google it and you will see over 40 million results. That is good. People SHOULD be asking this question. You know, with the Governments telling us that we NEED to do this, that and the other, […]

What Makes a Good Internet Spy?

Do you ever take an online test/quiz, that predicts stuff about yourself? You know like: Who were you in a past life? Or what job should you do? What is your IQ? Well, I hear rumors that these tests/quizzes are really just a way of getting your information. There are rumors that it’s the good […]

Review 10/01/14 – Car Hackers

Good. A motor story. I love cars. ‘Two security researchers in a bid to show how easy it is to gain control of a vehicle have developed a device that can hack a car. The gadget, built for less than $20,can be physically connected to a car’s internal network to inject malicious commands affecting everything […]

The Year in Review – January 7th 2014

Opposing frankenfoods will turn UK into a museum of farming, claims Paterson Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2535576/Opposing-frankenfoods-turn-UK-museum-farming-claims-Paterson You know, I have been saying for many years, that whatever America do, the UK won’t be far behind. What annoys me, is that the UK Government KNOW what is going to happen, they can see it in America, but […]

The Year in Review – January 6th 2014

The bad news is that January 5th, 2014 was a Sunday. Bugger. The good news is that apparently nothing happens on a Sunday in the news. So, on to Monday 6th January 2014. Touch-less touchscreens may be just a software update away http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2534955/Touchless-touchscreens-just-software-update-away.html#ixzz3NsI3bwpF You can’t beat a good bit of technology. Or can you? My […]

The Year in Review – January 4th 2014

Now, tell the truth. You weren’t expecting a Facebook story quite this early in the year now, were you? Facebook Faces Class Action Lawsuit For Allegedly Scanning Private Messages  http://www.fastcompany.com/3024336/fast-feed/facebook-faces-class-action-lawsuit-for-alleged-scanning-private-messages? “Representing to users that the content of Facebook messages is ‘private’ creates an especially profitable opportunity for Facebook, because users who believe they are communicating […]

The Year in Review – January 3rd, 2014

Okay, this looks like it might be a good story, with a clear resolution. The Prez said no. No means no, doesn’t it? Obama Administration Urges High Court to Preserve Birth-Control Mandate  http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303640604579298473197746980 Now, I know a little something about this. I was on a radio show several months ago, discussing this very thing. If […]